Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro — Effective Strategy to Overcome Procrastination

Bushra Khan
2 min readAug 16, 2020

On the Goal-Oriented journey of our lives, we have to deal with procrastination daily.

That’s where we search about the tips, strategies and expert advice but still find it hard to deal with procrastination.

Technically, if we deal with procrastination as we have to deal it daily, we are supposed to be the master of it.

But the biggest problem is our mind starts procrastinating about how to deal with procrastination…

That’s sound weird!

Amongst a lot of tips, advice and techniques to deal with it, the Promodore Technique is more effective.

So, in this blog, I will share my personal experience with Promodore Technique.

Promodore Technique — My Experience

According to the technique, I break a time taking assignment into a smaller group of chunks that are easier to complete.

Then I set up an alarm of about 25 minutes, followed by promising that I won’t even look at any other thing within this 25 minutes — Let’s do this.

The alarm rang after 25 minutes, and I found that the work is completely done with more focus than ever before.

Aside from this, my mind feels it very thrilling to outdo my self.

So, as a small appreciation gist, I took a sip of water :D and gave an appreciation tap over my shoulder.

This sounds like “ I got this” and satisfying.

My Verdict

Amongst the various tips to overcome procrastination, one of the best is to surround yourself with deadlines. This increases the chances of effective use of time and increases the ratio of achievement along with a feeling of fulfilment.

Aside from this, it is easy to complete a task by dividing it into small segments. It makes it easier to achieve the goals you have in your mind.



Bushra Khan

Food Technologist | SaaS Writer | SEO Practitioner | Amal Fellow